It is appropriate for me to write this post today since I went and saw the midnight premiere of Eclipse (the third movie in the Twilight series) last night at the beautiful Warren theatre in Moore, OK. My friends, Kelsey and Audrey, and I decided we really needed to go to this premiere since we went to the first two Twilight premieres at the Warren as well. I mean it's tradition. Usually we have a bigger group, but sadly we were the only ones in Norman for this one. But no doubt it was eventful. In the past we had gotten to the premieres earlier like 6 or 7 pm. But we figured since it was summer and there were less OU students here it wouldn't be as crazy. Well we were definately wrong! We drove up to the Warren at about 9:40 and the lines were wrapping around the building, and the Warren is a big building! But that is what I love about midnight premieres! The excitement, people yelling, little twilight fans running around. Some may think it's annoying, but I think it makes the movie that much better. Watching a movie with someone who loves it always makes it better. They're reactions help your reactions. So whats better than watching a movie for the first time in a theatre full of die-hard fans. Some people hate it when girls scream the first time Jacob is on screen (with his shirt off, that creates some more buzz) but I think it's funny and makes for a enjoyable experience. Even though the Twilight movies are not the best movies I've ever seen (although I do think Eclipse is the best yet, they keep getting better as they go) I love going to the midnight premieres of them. Just the atmosphere makes the night. I don't care if it's for Batman, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Twilight, or Harry Potter, movies are just better at the midnight premieres. People come as they are, people dress up and get excited, people enjoy each other because they are bonding over a common obsession. Everyone is pumped and happy, which just brings out the smiles and laughs in everyone else.
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