This summer has truly been the greatest summer of my life. Not only did I get to experience nursing at the number one hospital in New York, but I got to spend a whole 10 weeks in the city that constantly calls to me when I am not in it. I learned how at home I feel here. What a feeling it is to feel as though you belong.
My just under a mile walk to work at 6am had to have been my favorite time in this glorious city. It was cool and tranquil, oxymoron for New York I’m sure you are thinking, but it’s before the huge work rush and the city is just waking up. The sun is beginning to rise, but is blocked by the buildings so you only see if when passing across a few streets. I would be accompanied by beautiful voices and music, and I would just smile. How beautiful my city is at this time. I love seeing the beauty in this city and so many people don’t stop to see, they just hustle through living their life. It was hard at times to not do the same, but when I remember that I was in this amazing city and really let it sink in, I loved it more each and every morning.
I had a blast having my friends come see me, showing them this amazing city. I saw 10 shows (one for every week here, though not one a week, and not 10 different shows for I did some repeats). I ran in the park. I experienced the gay pride parade. I saw a midnight premiere and was not impressed with how the city does them. I thoroughly enjoyed Harry’s happy hour more than once with my wonderful roommate. I ordered Chinese takeout. I went to the MET. I got caught in the rain. I made wonderful friends that I hope will come back here when I do. I went to the Tony’s red carpet. I ate hotdogs in the park. I saw people dance and sing on the subway. I got a picture with Aaron Tviet. I saw Harry Potter try to sing and be a Broadway actor. I was a regular at a café down the street. I stood in too many lines for student rush tickets. I experienced Hair on opening night front row center. I saw ABT’s Swan Lake. I walked 5 million miles. I ate in little italy. I got taken into back rooms in China Town. I barely took any pictures, but I will always remember this summer.
Some of the only pictures I have thanks to my amazing roomie court: