If you haven't heard of Improv everywhere youtube it! It's pretty awesome! I could watch it for hours upon hours no joke. It's a improv group that does "missions" and get huge groups of people together to do crazy things. They put on a musical in a mall food court, they froze and stood completely still for 5 minutes in Grand Central Station, they did a synchronized swimming routine in a fountain, and they even made a cell phone symphony. And it is all in New York City! They probably couldn't get away with the stuff they pull in any other city. But by far by favorite thing they do is the annual "No Pants Subway Ride" I think the best part about the videos is everyone else's reactions to the people with no pants on. It just makes me laugh so hard every time I watch it. They have done it for several years, but I'm just putting the last two up on here. Please go watch the other stuff they have done. It is all very entertaining!
Bright Lights, Big City

Since in exactly one week I will be on my way to NEW YORK CITY (can you tell i'm way excited?) So I decided to do another blog about something in New York that makes me happy: Broadway! I grew up going to tons of musicals, that's what happens when your parents are actors, but I'm definately not complaining. That's what made me fall in love with musicals! I mean what's better than breaking out in song to express your every emotion? So of course I would love Broadway. There's just something about the feeling of sitting in a Broadway theatre, you know it's the best of the best actors in the show, you can feel the energy. I just love walking by all the Broadway theatres, especially after the shows, watching the actors come out. You see the excitement of all the fans wanting pictures and autographs. The atmosphere is just so happy and fun and exciting.
Though every time I leave a Broadway musical I wish it was me on that stage. If I had a better singing voice, let me tell you, I would be on broadway! I love to daydream about being in the shows I see. Now I never want to be the lead, way to much pressure, no I would be the supporting character that steals the show of course. :) Being on Broadway has always been a dream of mine, I know it won't happen and I'm okay with that, but it's fun to daydream about it and even more fun running up and down broadway on a warm summer night soaking it all in. I will for sure be doing that with my precious friend Emily in ONE WEEK!!
Though every time I leave a Broadway musical I wish it was me on that stage. If I had a better singing voice, let me tell you, I would be on broadway! I love to daydream about being in the shows I see. Now I never want to be the lead, way to much pressure, no I would be the supporting character that steals the show of course. :) Being on Broadway has always been a dream of mine, I know it won't happen and I'm okay with that, but it's fun to daydream about it and even more fun running up and down broadway on a warm summer night soaking it all in. I will for sure be doing that with my precious friend Emily in ONE WEEK!!
Annual Ice Storms

Every year I've been here at OU (aka the last two years) we have had a huge ice storm at the beginning of spring semester. Both years it has been absolutely awesome. Not only do you always get a few days off classes, but you get to spend these days with amazing friends! My freshman year we were living in the dorms so we were all so close to each other. We played in the snow, watched a few movies, and played several intense games of Catchphrase! I think that ice storm really brought our hall together even more than before. It was a blast to spend our days off together. And it was good we liked each other cause we were pretty much stuck with each other. Then this past year for the ice storm my roommates cara and courtney and I went and spent the days off at our friends kelsey and emily's apartment. It was an eventful two days! We had a Harry Potter movie marathon, pulled emily's mattress into the living room so we could have a "mattress party," emily pierced mine and kesley's ears (parent trap style), I gave court an amazing sharpie tattoo, we made cookies and so much more. The annual ice storms just make for amazing days with amazing people. I love thinking back to all the memories I have from just those few days. I am for sure looking forward to this years ice storm, and I am sure we will have one, I mean it's tradition now so it has to happen :)
ICE STORM 2009 :)

My (way in the future) Hippie Wedding Headband :)
I think weddings make just about everyone happy. What's better than committing to someone you love with all your heart for the rest of your life. Well happy and scary. But Whenever I've thought about my wedding I've never really seen myself wearing a veil, I'm just not crazy about them. I've thought about wearing fresh flowers in my hair, but then you always have the issue with them dying by the end of the night. And of course if I marry Prince Harry I would have to wear a tiara, I mean what else? But lately I've fallen in love with the new headband trend. Especially the headbands with a hippie style to them. I like how relaxed they are but also add that fun, bride feeling. I'm putting up two different one I've recently found on Style Me Pretty (the best wedding blog ever!) The first is fun for a casual beachy wedding. And the second is my favorite that I've found. I absolutely LOVE it!! My sister says it's too trendy and that I will laugh at myself in 20 years for wearing it, but I don't care. If I love it, I'll wear it!! But who knows I'll probably change my mind since I'm not getting married for another 10 years or so.

Now this one is AMAZING!!! get excited :)

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